St. Mary's CYO Fishkill - Basketball Philosophy
Our program is intended to serve the youth of our parish from 1st grade through high
school. It should teach the fundamentals of sportsmanship and teach respect for
other players, referees and coaches. Our coaches should always set an example
for our children to follow, and should make playing an enjoyable and fun experience
for our children, win or lose.
Success in our program is determined by children who continue playing throughout
the years, by children who show high levels of sportsmanship and ability while
playing in our local high school programs,by high school students who play in our
Friday night league, just because they love playing and by former participants and
adults who come back to donate their by coaching or refereeing year after year.
St. Mary's CYO Fishkill - Parent / Spectator Code of conduct.
We would like our parents to be a key part of our program. All spectators should
encourage and cheer good play, hustle and sportsmanship. Our referees are
here to help our children learn and in many instances are giving their time to help.
Basketball is an easy game to referee from the side lines, but far more difficult with
a whistle on the court. Please serve as a role model for our players and be a great
example of sportsmanship